
Showing posts from March, 2020

Coronavirus Prophets Exposed?

During the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Michael L. Brown, radio host and apologist for the charismatic movement, said, "As many of you know, I believe in prophetic ministry today, recognizing from the NT that every word must be tested. Some well-known charismatic prophets have spoken of a major change (or, shift) concerning the virus by mid-April, by the end of Passover season." You barely have to test this "prophecy" to see it's vague nonsense . Things could get better or worse, and these guys would say, "See? A major shift!" This is called a "shotgun prophecy." Take a shot at a month or season, scatter some unspecific terms, and whatever happens, your prophecy was just broad enough, it's going to hit something you can take credit for. The COVID-19 outbreak exposed every modern-day prophet and faith-healer as a fraud. Bethel Church in Redding, CA, who claims to heal the sick, told their faith healers to stay away from local hospita...

Does God Love You More Than He Loves His Commandments?

From the man who brought you teaching like this : "For the Bible tells me so, and this is where our trouble began." And teaching like this : "Thou shalt not obey the ten commandments because those aren't your commandments." Andy Stanley is back! And this time... is just like the other times. In a recent sermon , Stanley said, "God loves you more than He loves His commandments." Except Psalm 138:2 says God has exalted above all things His name and His word (oops!). It is an act of love that God condescended Himself and gave us His commandments. Deuteronomy 4:8 says, "What great nation is there, that has statutes and rules so righteous" as the Law of God? His Law is a revelation of His holy character. Romans 7:12 says, "So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good." But we broke God's Law. And through His Law we realize we deserve judgment for our sin. So God sent His Son, Jesus, who kept the La...

What Does the Bible Say About Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality?

Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality are two social justice philosophies often paired together and abbreviated CRT/I. Critical race theory divides people up into various racial groups and examines who has privilege and who doesn't. It's in bed with intersectionality, examining who experiences more discrimination at intersecting points in their identity. Here's how it works: if a woman is black and identifies as a lesbian, she has three intersecting points of discrimination: being a woman, who is black, and a lesbian. So she is more oppressed than, say, a white straight man, whom these philosophies are meant to shame. Seeing the world through these critical lenses is called being "woke." What does the Bible say about this? Colossians 2:8 says, "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." Those trying to s...

What is the Seeker Sensitive Movement or a Seeker Driven Church?

The seeker-sensitive or seeker-driven movement is an evangelism strategy following the idea that everyone is searching for something and what they are really seeking is God. So a church, in an effort to be "all things to all people" (1 Corinthians 9:22), will arrange their Sunday gathering to cater to the interests of seekers. They might incorporate pop culture, give away prizes, offer special programs, or follow certain data to attract the most people. There's just one eentsy, weentsy, no, make that gigantic flaw to this approach. Romans 3:11 says, "No one seeks for God." Yup, this seeker doesn't exist. What these unconverted persons come to church seeking are the gifts, but not the Giver. They might want peace, justice, health and wealth, they might even be looking for religion. But they don't actually want God. Not the Jesus of the Bible, nor His word. "There is no fear of God before their eyes." Church is for believers to worshi...