
Showing posts from May, 2019

What Does the Bible Say About Misogyny?

What is misogyny? It's a broad term, but a misogynist is someone who hates, exploits, or looks down on women. The word does is not in the Bible. But there are many sins that would fall into the category of misogyny. The murder, rape, or abuse of women would of course be misogyny. Crude language disparaging of women; the objectification of women as objects of lust; ignoring women entirely or just believing men are better. These are examples of misogynistic sins. The Bible says women are the weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7). If a man uses his strength to take advantage of a woman, that would be misogyny. Men are to to be considerate women, as everyone has been charged to "count others more significant" than themselves (Philippians 2:3). Consider also what is not misogyny. The Bible is not misogynist. The command for a wife to submit to her husband as to the Lord, is not misogyny. The instruction that only men can be pastors is not misogyny. If a man corrects a woman, t...

What Does the Bible Say About Microaggression?

Are you familiar with microaggressions? Subtle forms of prejudice, casual exchanges that are perceived as communicating derogatory remarks, whether intended or not. You might be a homophobe or transphobe, sexist or racist, and not even know it. If a man corrects a woman's behavior, if you ask someone what they are, make stereotypes of any kind, or say you're color blind and see everyone as equal. These are examples of microaggressions, perceived slights that supposedly reveal a larger pattern of injustice. But it's either making a mountain out of a mole hill, or making something out of nothing. These aggressions only go one way. Someone can accuse you, but you can't retaliate, or that's victim shaming, which is a microaggression. See how this works? It's a shame game with no end, where players think little of others and are driven by feelings and prejudice. This is not how Christians should regard each other. The Bible says if one has a complaint again...

What are the Qualifications for a Pastor?

What are the qualifications for a pastor? Well, first of all, a pastor must be a man. Right before God gives the requirements in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, the Spirit says, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet." The list of qualifications that follows describes a godly man. "An overseer must be above reproach," meaning that he must walk in holiness and without blame. "The husband of one wife," or a one-woman man. He must be "sober-minded." Another word for this is "temperate," or not given over to wild ideas. He must be "self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach," which is the one skill that a pastor must exhibit. Titus 1:9 says, "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it." He must not be a "drunkard, not violent but gentle, not ...

What's the Problem With Beth Moore?

Beth Moore is one of the most well-known women Bible teachers. But her teaching is very concerning. Here are four problems with Beth Moore. (Now this is not a "heresy hunt" calling into question her love for Christ. But not everyone who loves God is a qualified teacher.) First, she makes the Bible about you. Her lessons are man-centered (or woman-centered, zing!) appealing strongly to emotion, and she interprets the text to fit her topic: "One thing stood between them and their land of promise, and it was the Jordan River. And I want to say something to you as we get started here tonight. This will always be the case that whatever stands between you and your land of promise will always be at flood stage." (From a message entitled Memorial in the Middle , uploaded to YouTube September 27, 2018.) Second, egalitarianism. Continuing to undercut the authority of Scripture, Beth defies God's instruction that women are not to teach over men in the church. God...