Are Eclipses Signs of Judgment?
Once again, neither a lunar nor a solar eclipse is a sign of judgment, no matter what these loony false prophets say. Mark Blitz on the Jim Bakker Show: "Because the Gentiles go by the sun for their calender, a solar eclipse represents judgment coming upon a nation. A lunar eclipse, because Israel goes by the moon, refers to judgment coming upon Israel." That's not anywhere in the Bible. But what about where it says that the sun will be darkened and the moon turned to blood before the great and awesome day of the Lord? There are references to supernatural signs in the heavens. But eclipses are natural and calculable. NASA has mapped every eclipse that will occur for the next 1,000 years. They know exactly where they will be visible from down to the mile, and how long their duration will be, down to the second. How are they able to do that? Because they're prophets? No! And neither are these other guys claiming eclipses are signs of judgment. God created the...